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This side-specific sound-installation seeks to reflect on the concepts of territory in the Colombian armed conflict and the relationship it has with loss. The side-specific and sound installation seeks to envelop the viewer in a visceral way. Neon yellow invades the view and alters the sensation of the body in space. Likewise, the landscape of palm trees in storm is intended to place us in another place. The sound of Afro-Colombian funeral songs mixed with sounds of wind are intended to take the viewer to that deep and abstract place where emotions are, that place that is nowhere.

Side specific Sound-installation: Nowhere, 2016 and As Lambs among Hippopotamus, 2014 part of the group show Intersections at the Cooperativa University, Bogota, 2016

As Lambs among Hippopotamus

is a series of 23 watercolors on paper*

Combatant children

After living and working in Colombia for a year, this series is born. It is an emotional look at the children who were a part of the armed conflict, seen from my point of view as an outsider, a foreign artist. I base myself on real interviews* given by children formerly part of these fighter groups. My aim is to try and portray the complex dynamic relationship between innocence and violence.


In the year 1981 a group of 3 to 9 hippopotami was taken out of their natural habitat and brought to Colombia by Pablo Escobar. Currently, more than 50 hippopotami roam the rivera of the Magdalena river and often threaten the safety of the nearby population. Just like the combatant children, these hippopotami were torn from their proper places and transplanted to a world not their own, where they found themselves forced to bring out their more aggressive and violent side in order to survive.

* The titles of these works have all been taken from interviews given by girls and boys formerly belonging to illegal armed groups. These interviews are contained in the following book, published by the Centre for History and Memory: As Lambs Among Wolves. About The Use of Children and Teenagers in the Armed Conflict and Criminality in Colombia, by Dr. Natalia Springer, 2012 (with the support of the United Nations for the Protection and Promotion of the Right to Free Speech)

Yo no quería irme, que tal, pero quién le dice que no a esos manes

I didn´t want to go it figures, but who was going to say no to those men / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 30 cm

Por allí no hay nada más que hacer  

There’s nothing else to be done over there / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 30 cm

Al que cogían que se iba a ir, le iban dando plomo

Anyone who was caught wanting to leave, they would be shooting him full of bullets / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 30 cm

Me amarraba, me golpeaba. De día bien porque tenía beneficios, ya de noche empezaba a temblar  

During the day it was good because I had the benefits, but, then the night would come and I would start shaking / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 30 cm

Veo muertos

I see dead people / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 17 x 24 cm

Me mataron a mi apá

They went and killed my ‘Apa / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 17 x 24 cm

A veces siento que voy a enloquecer

Sometimes I feel I am going mad / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 17 x 14 cm

La primera arma que te dan es la parte de un muerto, para que te acostumbres al olor a muerto

The first weapon they give you, it is a piece of a dead person. So you start getting used to the smell of them / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

A los 8 años fue que entré. Me vinieron a buscar a la casa y me llevaron

At eight years old it was that I joined. They came to our house and they took me with them / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

Ya no me amaño sin fierro

I cannot deal without a gun now, anymore / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

¿Uno bruto para qué mas sirve?

Stupid one like me, ¿what else can I be good for? / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

Uno pobre no es nada para nadie

As a poor person, one isn’t anything to anybody / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

Me pusieron a cargar muertos, que para que se me pasara el miedo

So they had me carry the dead, in order to make me lose my fear / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 19 cm

Llegaron y nos dijeron: el que no está conmigo está contra mí

They came and they told us; You are either with us, or against us / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 17 x 14 cm

Éramos muy pobres y uno pues, se desespera

We were very poor and well, one despairs / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 14 x 19 cm

Me lo sacaron a patadas, ninguna se puede quedar embarazada

They kicked it out of me, kicking me with their feet. None of us women was allowed to be pregnant / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 30 x 40 cm

Lo peor fue una vez que tocaba desaparecer una gente, eran muchos y corte y al hueco

The worst was when it was a time to make some people disappear, there were a lot of them so it was just: cut, and into the hole / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 30 x 40 cm

Todo olía a muerto 

Everything smelled like dead people / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper /19 x 24 cm

No tenía mamá, entonces por mi no veía nadie

I did not have a mother, so there was no one to look after me / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 17 x 24 cm

Me daban duro, pero es que yo lloraba mucho y uno así no sirve para combatir

They would hit me very hard. But it was because I cried a lot, and you are no good as a fighter if you cry / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 23 x 30 cm

Por ahí no hay escuelas ni nada

There are no schools or anything around there / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 30 x 23 cm

Ahí se hizo una limpieza

So then a clean up was done / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 30 x 40 cm

A mí lo primero que me dieron fue la cabeza de un muerto y lo llevaba hasta que se descompusiera

The first thing they gave me was the head of a dead man, and I had to carry it around with me until it rotted away / pencil, watercolor and ink on paper / 10 x 14 cm

Como corderos entre hipopótamos

es una serie de 23 acuarelas.*

Niños combatientes

Después de vivir y trabajar en Colombia durante un año, nace esta serie. Es una mirada emotiva a los niños que fueron parte del conflicto armado, visto desde mi punto de vista como un forastero, un artista extranjero. Me baso en entrevistas reales dadas por niños que anteriormente formaban parte de estos grupos de luchadores. Mi objetivo es intentar retratar la compleja relación dinámica entre inocencia y violencia.


En el año 1981 un grupo de 3 a 9 hipopótamos fue sacado de su hábitat natural y llevado a Colombia por Pablo Escobar. Actualmente, más de 50 hipopótamos deambulan por la rivera del río Magdalena y, a menudo, amenazan la seguridad de la población cercana. Al igual que los niños combatientes, estos hipopótamos fueron arrancados de sus lugares adecuados y trasplantados a un mundo que no era el suyo, donde se vieron obligados a sacar su lado más agresivo y violento para poder sobrevivir.

* Los títulos de las obras son citas de entrevistas a niñas y niños desmovilizados de grupos armados ilegales, del libro del Centro de Memoria Histórica: COMO CORDEROS ENTRE LOBOS. DEL USO Y RECLUTAMIENTO DE NIÑAS, NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES EN EL MARCO DEL CONFLICTO ARMADO Y LA CRIMINALIDAD EN COLOMBIA, 2012 (con el apoyo de las Naciones Unidas para la Protección y Promoción del Derecho a la Libertad de Opinión y de Expresión)

Ninguna parte

Esta instalación sonora side-sprecific busca reflexionar sobre los conceptos de territorio en el conflicto armado colombiano y la relación que tiene con la pérdida. La instalación lateral y sonora busca envolver al espectador de forma visceral. El amarillo neón invade la vista y altera la sensación del cuerpo en el espacio. Asimismo, el paisaje de palmeras en tormenta está destinado a colocarnos en otro lugar. El sonido de los cantos fúnebres afrocolombianos mezclados con los sonidos del viento tiene como objetivo llevar al espectador a ese lugar profundo y abstracto donde están las emociones, ese lugar que no está en ninguna parte.

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